Traveling for more than 2 weeks drastically changes how you prepare for a trip, the documentation you need, what you need to have managed at home while you’re away, and considerations like logistics for luggage or shipping can be daunting. Don’t worry, ZEAL has you covered with checklists and tips on what you need to know whether you’re traveling for a few weeks or several years.
+ Country-Specific Visa Requirements & Regional Information
+ Logistics from What to Pack for an Extended-Trip to Healthcare
+ Trip Preparation from Storage to International Shipping Reqs
+ Planning Where to Stay & Getting There Safely
The first week in a new culture is always exciting exploring new attractions, trying delicious local food and drinks, connecting with locals, travelers and the native culture. Often overlooked are some key considerations that help immerse a traveler, get them settled with SIM cards for their phones, establish local banking, healthcare providers, navigate local transportation and currency exchanges that make the quality of their life and the experience far more enjoyable.
+ Selecting Quality Local Healthcare, Lawyers, Banking, and Phone Connectivity
+ Local Maps, Guides, Activities, Hot Spots for Food, Entertainment, Fitness, and Music
+ Explore Local CoWorking Spots & Connect to other Digital Nomads
+ Getting Involved in the Community, Events, and Meet-up Groups
The luxury of working remotely is the accessibility to incredible destinations, immersing yourself in local cultures, and growing from these unique experiences. However, breaking cultural gaps, communication barriers and growing a community to share these life-changing experiences is easier said than done. Luckily, we have decades of collective travel and remote working experience that sheds light on the best ways to take full advantage of your destination.
+ Local Hot Attractions, Restaurants, Bars, Music, Gyms, and Entertainment
+ Tips to Meet Locals & Immerse Yourself into the Local Culture
+ Philanthropies and Impact-based Events to Get Involved With
+ Local Partners, Brands, and Sponsors for ZEAL Deals & Discounts
To effectively live the Digital Nomad lifestyle many need more than quality access to internet so we have developed an extensive knowledge bank of resources on how to maximize your productivity while remote. From video conferencing hacks to time blocking, project management we have compiled the best tools, tactics, and suggestions on how to get work done so you have plenty of time to experience the local culture and attractions.
+ Productivity Hacks from Remote Workers & Travelers
+ Corporate Resources for an Effective Remote Work Culture
+ Remote Working Tools, Systems, Products, and Sponsor Partnerships
+ Best Remote Video Conferencing Tips for Efficiency & Collaboration